

Student (5 years old) demonstrating Mindabacus was evaluated top prize of Shanghai TV Station Donghai Cup Intelligence Competition, unique skill group.

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Student (6 years old) was evaluated Shanghai Happy Family Summer Camping Unique Skill Show top prize  

Coach Wang Weida leading 3 National Abacus Team members was invited to visit East China University Of Science and Technology, when returning Zhejiang from Beijing For the first time did student go up on the stage of Macrocosm Genius World Record Arena, was evaluated winner of stenography&rapid calculation(4 years old), and winner of mental calendar calculation(8 years old, can accept question in Chinese, English, and Japanese).

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Student's "Rapid Calendar Calculation Method" was evaluated spirit prize of YiLiDa Youth Creation Prize, Dr. Yang Zhenning signed his name on the certificate.

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Student received interview of HongKong Asia TV in Chen Baoding Suanpan Museum.

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